Route performance

Automated analytics for informed decisions to drive route efficiency and profitability, proactively manage changes to market demand quickly

Route insights to drive your business forward
Automated data consolidation
Automated data consolidation
On-demand route insights
On-demand route insights
Assess performance over time
Assess performance over time
Accelerate decision-making
Accelerate decision-making
Configurable and adaptable
Configurable and adaptable

Optimise your network to enhance profitability

Our powerful solution allows operators to analyse performance at the route level and optimise their network to enhance profitability. With the ability to allocate revenue and costs to services using configurable methods, operators can gain valuable insights into their entire network. This comprehensive view enables operators to implement targeted intervention strategies and improve overall performance. By leveraging this powerful management information, businesses can make informed decisions to drive efficiency and profitability within their operations.

Data securely collected from a range of sources and activities across your bus operations from mileage, to revenue, patronage and contract performance.

We automate the data collection process and provide seamless analytics, eliminating the need for manual intervention. By standardising and correcting data discrepancies, you can rely on accurate and consistent information to drive informed decision-making and optimise your route operations effectively.

Undertake ‘what if’ analysis and meet your business needs, you can set up and explore different models using our advanced software system. The models will allow you to simulate various scenarios and assess the potential outcomes of different decisions or changes in your operations. By conducting ‘what if’ analysis, you can gain valuable insights into the potential impact of different strategies and make informed decisions to drive your business forward.

Route performance forecasting capability allowing for quick and easy prediction of future route performance by analysing anticipated market and operational changes. By leveraging this forecasting tool, you can make informed decisions regarding route planning and resource allocation to optimise performance and adapt to changing market conditions effectively. This data-driven approach enables you to stay ahead of the curve and proactively address potential challenges or opportunities in your bus operations.

Route Performance forecasting process

Route Performance infographic
  • EPM’s Route Performance solution enables us to understand the commercial viability and performance of all individual routes across our network. It centralises data from multiple sources across the business and allows us to analyse the results quickly and easily. This means we can monitor performance trends and react to changes in the market, ensuring our services remain viable and meet customer demand.
    Scott Pearson
    Managing Director
  • McGills Scotland logo
  • Roberts Travel Group logo
  • First Bus logo
  • Ipswich buses logo
  • Lincolnshire country council logo
  • Blackpool Transport logo grey
  • Fife council logo
  • Go Ahead Group logo
  • Hull City Council
  • National Express logo
  • Aberdeenshire Council
  • Transdev logo
  • Liverpool City Region logo
  • Stagecoach logo
  • Transport for Greater Manchester logo
  • Reading Buses logo
  • West Midlands Combined Authority Logo
  • Arriva bus operator logo

Experience and expertise

30+ years

developing leading passenger
transport solutions

  • Market leader in driving efficiency for
    passenger transport operators of all sizes
  • Software innovation driven by an in-depth
    understanding of the passenger transport industry
  • Strong track record of quality delivery and
    high customer satisfaction
EPM software support desk

Visit our self-service portal to log your item:

EPM portal

Effortless call logging and real-time support request monitoring. Explore the knowledge database and videos for help and guidance on the use of our applications.

Mon-Fri: 08:30 to 17:30

+44 (0)1527 556 940

The support desk is closed on bank holidays.

Omnibus software support desk

Visit our self-service portal to log your item:

Omnibus portal

Effortless call logging and real-time support request monitoring. Explore the knowledge database and videos for help and guidance on the use of our applications.

Mon-Fri: 09:00 to 17:00

+44 (0)161 683 3101
Schedules: support@omnibus.uk.com
OmniDAS: dassupport@omnibus.uk.com

The support desk is closed on bank holidays.
